Marriage is the
Sacrament by which a man and woman are bound to each other for life in a union which is total, faithful, and open to new life. Marriage is “ordered to the good of the couple, as well as to the generation and education of children.” (CCC 1660) The special grace of the Sacrament of Matrimony allows a husband and wife in their own marriage to mirror the love of Christ the Bridegroom for His Church.
Choosing to exchange vows before God and the community of faith reflects your commitment to each other and to God. As you prepare to start a family together, you make the decisions for the good of your family, and not only your individual good, so too, within God’s family, the Church. The following guidelines will ensure communication among all who are part of your special day and ensure reverence and dignity toward God within the ceremony itself. We are glad you are here.
Please contact the parish at least 12 months before your desired wedding date to begin the preparation process and determine availability of the churches within the Family of Parishes. See the guidelines for wedding Mass times at each of the churches within our family of parishes and for the fees. When both spouses are Catholic, it is recommended to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony within the context of Mass. If one spouse in not Catholic, the Rite of Marriage is usually celebrated outside of Mass with a Deacon presiding.
Marriage is a lifelong commitment. As spouses you choose to grow together, to learn to love together, to be honest in sharing your life together, and God-willing begin a family together. There is Joy. There is also growing pains and challenges. The marriage preparation process gives you some tools for success and helps you dispose yourselves to receive the full grace of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Fully Engaged is a tool to strengthen your communication and clarify expectations as you move towards marriage. The Genesis retreat day and meetings with the clergy will invite you to reflect more deeply on the Catholic understanding of marriage. Meeting with the music director ensures the dignity and order of the wedding ceremony itself. The enclosed checklist is there to help you.
For Holy Rosary & St. Patrick,
P: 419 - 394 - 5050
For St. Teresa,
P: 419 - 363 - 2633
For Immaculate Conception,
P: 419 - 586 - 6648
For Our Lady of Guadalupe,
P: 419 - 268 - 2312